Another year closing and we hustle and bustle and stress out. We will then make useless resolutions that we will not achieve.
This year, my journey is for a minimal Christmas 🎄. Don't be a Grinch and celebrate but without all the stress. Anxiety, stress and depression hits the elderly and aging when they are alone during the holidays. Without children or grandchildren, why buy tons of gifts and go into debt or run the credit cards up? Why decorate? Why cook a huge meal?
This year, focus on the Reason For The Season. So, the wreath went up on the outside door and a tree went up. My tree has lights on it and berries and pine cones already attached. No ornaments this year because I am minimalising. The creche or manger figures got cramped under the tree. Well, that's the reason for the season. No other decorations needed to adorn the house. Gifts this year may be a few needed items and some donations to worthy causes because there's so much need in the world. Dinner will probably be a cookout this year. Steak on the grill. It's not a huge turkey or ham. It's not traditional but it doesn't have to be. At the table we will pray for the world, those who need hope, peace, joy, love and Christ in their lives. May your days be Merry and Bright.